Do you even care?
Okay, I know you care, but how much?
As some of you already know, I've been developing some products that I think you're going to like.
Some of you may have already downloaded them from my VAULT.
But I've had this sinking feeling in my stomach for the past few months about all of it.
I'm afraid.
I'm afraid what I'm doing isn't useful to you.
For a guy who spends his entire day building things that are supposed to help people, this is an inexcusable, earth-shaking thought.
With a recent influx of new readers, I've realized it's time to get to know you better so I can write about what you actually care about, build tools that are actually useful, and connect you with resources that change the game.
I'm saying this because I care a lot about writing useful content and making useful tools.
I also have this wild guess that you care about these things too and that's why you're here. ;)
Here's what I'm thinking . . .
If you answer these 10 questions (I promise it actually takes less than 5 minutes to complete), I'll have a better idea of how to make you something useful and write about what you care about.
If you'd rather have a 30-minute phone/Skype call instead, that's cool too. We can talk about whatever you want. Just reply to and we'll set something up.
We can talk business, productivity, motivation, personal stuff . . .
Whatever you think is useful or want to pick my brain about.
Totally up to you.
It's hard to be wake up every day and feel motivated, healthy, and ready.
It helps when you've got other like-minded people who you know have your back.
Part of being relentless forward progress is making sure you're moving in the right direction, so consider this a quick calibration to align with you.
Thanks in advance for taking 5 minutes you could have spent doing something else and helping me improve.
Talk soon!
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Welcome to Strategic Altruism where I wrestle with entrenched ideals and philosophies to form mostly unpopular opinions about how to be a good person. It's a racket.