I've been reading a lot more - our library has a great resource for access to free e-books. Other things include spending more time planning healthy & simple meals, refining a sustainable exercise routine, and relishing mindful & quiet moments in the day to connect with God.
Trying to find small ways to be kind to myself and others helps to keep a positive mental attitude.
I love your attention to the small ways. I feel like I'm always trying to "go big or go home," which ends up making me lose sight of the joy in the small stuff. Thanks for this reminder!
I've been reading a lot more - our library has a great resource for access to free e-books. Other things include spending more time planning healthy & simple meals, refining a sustainable exercise routine, and relishing mindful & quiet moments in the day to connect with God.
Trying to find small ways to be kind to myself and others helps to keep a positive mental attitude.
I love your attention to the small ways. I feel like I'm always trying to "go big or go home," which ends up making me lose sight of the joy in the small stuff. Thanks for this reminder!