The Major Productivity Tactic Everyone Messes Up
You’re not going to like this . . . but it’s true.
You’re not going to like this . . . but it’s true.
Tell me, how often does this happen?
When you read a blog post on productivity, you’re tempted to download a new app, buy a new book, start a new routine, ad infinitum.
“The app I’m using is garbage, and I really just need something better before I’ll ever be productive and organized.”
You know what I’m about to say, right?
It’s not the app.
It’s not the book.
It’s not the routine.
It’s you.
Okay. Ouch. That hurts.
Think about the ways we talk to ourselves about living productive, healthy lives:
“I can’t lose weight because I need a new diet plan.”
“There’s no point in exercising until I have the Ab Machine 9000.”
“I can’t start because I need new gym shorts.”
This leads us to component #1 of the Major Lesson.
1. Ownership
Please recognize that the solution to the problem, whether it’s a fitness plan, a standard operating procedure, or a mindset shift, is 100% YOUR responsibility.
The solution is absolutely inside you. And you’re the only one who can see this.
Once you accept that this is 100% your responsibility and within your control, you will immeasurably increase your odds of success.
Once you’re aware that you’re circumventing self-discipline and you’re not just a victim of an overflow of strange circumstances in your environment, you can start taking ownership of your outcome.
The next step is more tactical.
2. Identify Excuses as Excuses
It’s so easy to say:
“Oh I can’t workout today because:
I don’t have weights . . . a pull up bar . . . a yoga mat . . . or the THINGS I need to get in a real workout.”
You can go for a run, do wind-sprints, do 100 pushups, or do lunges until your legs are jelly.
You can live your life without the fancy tools.
You can be productive without the pro version of To-Doist. You can be amazing without another Slack bot or some expensive coaching club.
If your default mindset is knowing that 80% of the things that get in your way are self-generated excuses, your ability to adapt to reality and refocus will improve, further increasing your odds of success.
It’s more likely that it’s an hurdle than a roadblock.
Say this to yourself every day, because it’s true.
The last piece of this Major Productivity Lesson is about capacity.
3. Put Energy Into the Hard Stuff
The hardest thing about being a successful software company isn’t actually building the software, it’s getting to be top 4 in the app store.
The hardest thing about going to the gym isn’t actually the workout, it’s getting out of bed and putting your shorts on.
The hardest part of living the life you’ve always wanted isn’t about quitting your job, it’s about making more money on your side project than your boss could ever afford to pay you!
Kill the distractions and focus on what’s holding you back from the inside.
No apps. No diets. No new, tactical marketing strategy.
No bullshit that clutters your brain.
Pay attention to whats happening INSIDE.
Stop distracting yourself with more of my blog posts on Medium and get back to living your life.
I’m serious. Stop reading right now.
What’s an excuse you’ve already made today? (Don’t worry, I’ve got some too.)
Is it a real excuse or are you making this one up?
Be honest.
If you’re not sure. Comment here and we’ll figure it out together.
P.S. Don’t stress out about this, it doesn’t help. Remember, we’re making consistent, incremental, daily actions. We’re not trying to lift 500 lbs. on the first rep. Stick with me, here. This takes time and practice.