Be honest with yourself

The Daily Drip
I've been thinking about this since my email about the new browser tool.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
It's so easy to get caught up in the "gear."
What apps are you using? What laptop do you have? What's your home productivity setup?
I've definitely spent some time watching videos online about how to set up my desk ergonomically or to see how I can arrange my monitor so I can work all day and still look cool.
The issue is that lots of people are looking at tools to solve productivity problems, which doesn't happen.
For the most part, my iPhone is the same as your Android phone. The parts and systems are basically the same. Evernote has most of the same features of other notetaking apps, with some exceptions.
80% of the features of productivity tools out there are the same.
It's not the tools, it's how you're using them.
Consider your system as a whole.
No to-do list app is going to help you unless you get a grip on your procrastination.
No monitor is going to help you stay at your desk longer unless you already love working with spreadsheets.
Be honest with yourself.