The strawberry patch

The Daily Drip
I just received a letter from a friend.
Inside the envelope was a rock.
Weird, right?
The rock was painted red, like a strawberry.
The letter read: "Thanks for being part of my Strawberry Patch (my loved and appreciated support system)."
Small and meaningful.
Nailed it.
A few years ago, I realized that I would have a greater chance of being successful if I had mentors in my life.
So, I set up the "advisory board of Chris Danilo LLC.," an imaginary company but one that symbolized my future.
I made it official.
I called people and met them for coffee.
I said "would you be willing to be on my advisory board? Once a month, you'll be able to make a half-hour to connect with me. In exchange, the Rueben and fries are on me."
Just by asking and making it official, it made our relationship feel real.
No more guilt-ridden voices in my head going "oh, don't reach out to Jack . . . he's so busy."
I had permission and I had alignment.
If you haven't made it official, ask yourself if you feel you could be better or go faster with support.
If the answer is "yes," well, what are you waiting for?
Make your Strawberry Patch or your board of advisors.
There are no rules on what it needs to look like--you can be as creative or as boring as you like.
Make it happen, today.
It will take you less than 2 minutes to send 3 texts and set up conversations.
I believe in you.