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What To Do With Giant Goals
What To Do With Giant Goals
By chris danilo on Jul 05, 2018 05:00 am
What do you do when your dreams are so incapacitatingly huge?
What do you do when you have a BHAG (Big Hairy, Audacious, Goal)?
This one, I learned from LEGO as a kid.
The picture on the box can be so incredible, but so intimidating.
The trick is taking it one step at a time.
Simple, but not easy.
It turns out that big, hairy, complicated things are actually made up of lots of small, achievable, actionable things.
By breaking the big goal down small enough, you enable yourself to see a starting point, mico-missions, and tasks that are manageable.
So what to do when you’re feeling stuck?
Make it smaller.
Practice the habit of asking “can it be smaller?” and you will start developing the confidence you need for even bigger, hairier goals.
2 Minute Action
What’s something you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t gotten to?
What’s something you’d like to have finished in the next 10 years?
Why can’t you start?
How would you start if you knew you could never get around that obstacle?
What’s a step you can take right now? (send an email, make a phone call)
Can it be smaller?
Breaking big things down into smaller things will help you score a lot of small wins.
Small wins will develop the trust in yourself to take on bigger challenges.
Don’t think you’re going to bench press 500lbs on your first day.
Get practical.
Are You An Entitled Snowflake?
By chris danilo on Jul 04, 2018 10:29 pm
Let’s be clear about snowflakes:
You can’t have the job you want, just because you want it.
You won’t get a trophy just for being at the race.
It’s interesting to see on the news how the idea of being a “snowflake,” a unique, special person, is synonymous with entitlement.
You are not entitled to anything . . . well, except for one thing.
That’s love and empathy from other human beings.
Your existence doesn’t grant you the right to anything you want.
That would be, of course, ridiculous.
What’s also ridiculous is the idea that you’re born with NO rights.
And on America’s independence day, we have a chance to evaluate our inalienable rights and who is entitled to them.
Personally, I’d like to live in a world where we think about others before we form a belief about who we think they are.
I’d like to live in a world where everyone has an equal shot at the life of their dreams.
2 Minute Action
This is your chance to take 2 minutes and ask yourself:
What are you free from?
What are you not?
What are you going to do about it?
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Welcome to Strategic Altruism where I wrestle with entrenched ideals and philosophies to form mostly unpopular opinions about how to be a good person. It's a racket.