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Leadership is a struggle. There's no way around it.

Even if you can begin employing a set of general principles to be a better leader, the people you're trying to lead, the history you share (or don't, which does happen sometimes), and the mission (or lack of clear mission) have the potential to throw so many wrenches in the gears.

In my own leadership journey (which is still pretty new, mind you), I've found that the key is buy-in. Get buy-in as soon as you can from the team:

- Get them to buy in to you as a person that can really help

- Get buy-in on the mission/objective/project goal, etc.

- Get buy-in on the strategy you're going to use

- Get buy-in on the tactics you'll use

Then it's about maintaining buy-in over time. Buy-in can quickly (and quietly) turn into ambivalence or straight up divestment. Part of the "soft" work of leadership is maintaining an awareness of everyone's level of buy-in (or lack of it). That's hard enough. But then, it's about quickly working to get that buy-in again. That often involves the leader being 2 things that the classical "strongman" leader usually isn't:

- a genuinely good (i.e., effective) listener

- flexible and creative--especially when confronted with people who are neither

As simple as that one thing (buy-in) sounds, it's incredibly difficult. My journey right now involves getting that right.

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You must be further along than you think, because I was just silently nodding my head up and down while reading this.

Thank you for this super thoughtful, super specific reply. Your brain always impresses me, dude!

Once upon a time, I wrote a blog post about Alignment vs. Agreement. I titled the post really poorly, so it didn't do very well, but you may find it useful in your journey.

Basically, the TL;DR was that a team's effectiveness (and happiness) can all be tied back to "buy-in."

I think you really hit the nail on the head here.

Thanks for adding your expertise to this.


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