Trust me, the pressure is a good thing.
When we have a ton of stuff to do, we tend to get really practical about what we can accomplish. Having a lot on our plates forces us to triage. Non-important tasks just don’t stand a chance.
When we have a lot of time to do something, we feel really comfortable fitting everything in and we drop our guard. I’ve even been known to drop balls when I have plenty of time and resources to make them happen.
It’s the tension of having a little too much going on that keeps us leaning forward.
To be super, duper clear. I’m not advocating that you should be holding this tension 24/7/365. That’s not sustainable. Don’t try. I’ve tried. I can tell you how it ends.
You need to try this out and see how you respond. You need to be the scientist of yourself and evaluate what level of tension and what frequency of tension is right for you and your brain.
There’s no formula, here.
Just testing hypotheses.