When you think about your financial future, you are forced to realize that you don’t know it all.
In fact, you just can’t know it all.
So, if you want to set yourself up for success, you need to find a financial advisor, a tax lawyer, maybe an accountant, and a real estate broker. Basically, when you start thinking about your financial future, you are forced to build a team with expertise that’s unreasonable for you to acquire.
It’s the same for your productivity, your life goals, or any other large-scale things you want to achieve.
You need to find accountabilibuddies, friends who are willing to challenge your ideas, colleagues who are able to provide constructive criticism, co-workers who will have your back, and mentors who have gone down this road before.
You need to build a team.
You need to build the board of advisors for Your Name LLC.
At one point, I was so into this idea that I made it official. I asked a few of my mentors to be part of my Chris Danilo LLC. Board of Advisors.
The deal was that they’d offer to give me a half-hour of their time, once a month, so that I could talk through whatever problems I was facing in my life and work. In exchange, the croissant and latte were on me.
Of course, I don’t call all of them for a half-hour per month, but I do call on them when I need help.
Go ahead, build your team. Build your finance team. Build your productivity team. Build your advisory board.
It’s so easy and will compound your efforts.