How do you get out of a rut?

The Daily Drip
Yesterday was one of those days where I have to look back and let myself off the hook in order to be productive today.
My mind was wandering and I wasn't focused.
It was a classic "off day."
They're not common--which is a good symptom of years of intentional focus--but to be honest, it's been happening a little bit more frequently lately.
It's easy to feel like I'm losing my grip and that I should just let go.
But then, I sit down to write and I kick start the ol' motivator.
What's something that you do to get yourself out of a rut?
I go to my classics, like playing music, exercise, and writing these posts.
This week, I'm re-integrating meditation into my routine.
I'd love to hear what works for you.
Happy Friday. Let's finish this week strong.