Yoda's prescription

The Daily Drip
I got a great reminder yesterday about hate.
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to blocking your friends on Facebook." - Yoda
Wait, that's not it. Let me try again.
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." - Yoda
There we go. Nailed it.
Let's be clear, we all feel fear and we all fear anger. The goal isn't to avoid those emotions entirely, the goal is to manage them before they turn into something more permanent.
It's right at those moments of fear and anger, that we use our awareness to identify and regulate ourselves. If we can do this well enough, we can avoid the festering permanence of those hot embers hate brings.
I don't understand why, but those embers are just so hard to put out. I've felt them and I still have remnants.
Yoda's advice, here, is preventative.
Yes, it's from a movie. But damn is it sound.
Please take this with you and hold close as you watch protests on TV, have political debates with family, and move forward with difficult people in your career.