Get into the ring anyway
The Daily Drip
This topic brought to you by @Cleverlike in our Slack community. Join the party!
I learned something later in life than I wanted to learn. It's difficult but an important part of preparing one's mind for resilience and mental toughness.
There's no such thing as a fair fight.
You can do everything right and follow all the formulas and execute everything perfectly and sometimes it just doesn't matter. The world does what it wants to. Someone with more power than you makes life harder. COVID-19 crushes your business or takes a family member. The examples go on and on.
In our slack community, @Cleverlike brought up the concept that bad decisions that hurt people are often made up of lots of smaller decisions that didn't hurt anyone directly or immediately. It's the cumulative chain of these small, bad decisions that ends up being the problem, not any particularly bad one.
When we see this in ourselves, we have choices. We can reach out to our support network and enlist honest support from those we trust.
But when someone else is making these bad decisions, we can't always help. Sometimes we do everything right and still get burned.
There's no such thing as a fair fight.
What's truly difficult, then, is getting into the ring anyway.