The most important thing is always this . . .

The Daily Drip
I used to believe that there were people who got stuff done and there were procrastinators.
I used to believe that there were people who had their lives together and there was everybody else.
As I started working with more and more high-performers, I noticed something.
None of them had abolished procrastination. None of them had conquered anxiety. None of them had full and total self-control at all times.
What I realized that the moon I was shooting for wasn't achievable. But put that impossibility aside for a minute. That's not even the important part.
What's important is realizing we're fallible humans and doing big things anyway. That's way more impressive than being a perfect robot.
So, instead of beating ourselves up for a mistake or an inconsistency, it's more valuable (and more useful) to quickly put it behind us and look forward.
Both the good things and the bad things will end at some point.
The most important thing is always your next choice.