The pilot, the plane, and the engineer.
The Daily Drip
I heard someone say that good productivity requires 3 parts of you.
The Pilot, The Plane, and The Engineer.
Here's the idea:
The Pilot
The person who is navigating the course, seeing the big picture, and assigning priorities.
The Plane
The "person" who is executing the navigations of the pilot. The role of the plane is to make the flight happen.
The Engineer
The person who looks to improve the operational efficiency of the plane so that it can do it's job better without increasing effort.
I like this language because it's so easy to understand.
The language you've heard me use for things like this is:
Plan your day. Line up your tasks. Turn off notifications and execute at full speed. Take time after the project or week is over and look at where you're spending time or energy and evaluate if you should keep doing what you're doing.
This model is much simpler!
What do you feel is missing from it? What's oversimplified?