The truth about willpower and discipline

The Daily Drip
There's this fallacy that willpower and self-discipline is the only thing that really matters for achievement.
Yes, I said fallacy.
I was fed the narrative "you just have to work hard and be disciplined and if you really want it, you'll do it."
Guess what? It's just not true.
We know that self-discipline and willpower are important--of course they are.
But what if you don't have either? What if you're managing depression? What if you are dealing with unforeseen life events?
Relying on your willpower when it's 5 am and you're cold and you don't wanna go for a run is going to be less successful than using a strategy like having a gym buddy.
If you agreed with someone that you're going to be at the gym and then you don't make it, you're breaking a social promise. For most humans, we value these things. We are wired to consider in-group/out-group behavior.
The stakes are higher when you let someone else down than when you're only reporting to your own expectations.
Is the goal to get it done?
Then you'll consider all the ways you might increase the chances of success.
Willpower and discipline must be developed, just like any other habit or any muscle. If you know this isn't a strong point for you, you need to modify external factors that could change your odds.
Willpower and discipline will follow.