Eliminating internal dissonance
The Daily Drip
I just restarted tracking my time, again.
I've been working with my head down for the last 6 months on various projects and I've noticed that I haven't been able to work on the things I want to work on the most.
Like many of you, I value personal development and self-improvement. Lately, though, when I look at where I've put my money, I don't see much in the "education" category.
By tracking our time and money, we can see where we're putting our resources.
These aren't the only metrics, but they are probably the 2 most obvious and important ones used to evaluate whether or not you're living and acting according to your values.
When we don't act or behave in alignment with our values we feel tremendous dissonance. Sometimes that feels like anxiety or symptoms of depression.
By retrospecting and introspecting, we can notice patterns in our behavior and develop an action plan to resolve them.
I was chatting with a friend of mine who is also a reader and she mentioned that one of the ways she does this is by reading old journal entries she's written. It helps her identify patterns that give her insight into her own thoughts.
Other than money and time, what are some other ways you self-evaluate?