The best method for sustainable high-output behaviors
The Daily Drip
There are tips and tricks and hacks and cheat codes.
They're helpful and can sometimes create breakthroughs and new habits.
But the number one thing that has helped me stay focused with high output in the long term?
The retrospective.
I'm stealing this language from Agile Scrum, but the idea is pretty simple--it's all about self-reflection and introspection.
Regularly ask yourself "what is going well?" "What could be better?" "Am I living according to my values?" "What is it about my day-to-day that is most stressful right now?" "What part of my life do I get the most joy from?"
Creating the time and space to reflect and create action items from these questions has been the most effective method of sustainable, high-value behaviors.
What has been the biggest factor for you?