The pivot, the transition, and staying the course.

The Daily Drip
The pivot is something we do when what we're doing is working, but isn't blowing the lid off of anything. We study our pivot foot (where we are in our work) and we explore what's working about it with our other foot as we rotate to scan for options.
The transition is something we do when what we're doing isn't working at all. We've tried and tried. Maybe we're running out of money. Maybe we're running out of time. The end is nigh and we need to change something lest we collapse in an exhausted heap with no fruits of our labor.
Staying the course is something we do when we can see the future in the distance but are tempted with distractions, side quests, and the eternal internal battle with our inner demons. It's what we do when we know that focus and turning the crank will get us to the promised land.
What tool are you using right now?