I messed up
The Daily Drip
Yesterday, I didn't do something I normally do.
I wake up at 6 AM every day.
I work out.
I check my email.
I launch myself into my work.
But not yesterday. Yesterday I skipped my workout.
For a person as obsessive as me, this is bad news because it makes me feel like my whole day is off.
In fact, if this happened on a Monday, it could throw my whole week off!
How fragile.
Enter counter-productive self-talk:
"Now you have to find another day this week to get that workout back. Sounds like you're gonna be doing a workout on your rest day, buddy. Whose fault is that?"
Please give me an "amen" if you've ever talked to yourself like this.
Guess what?
It's not that big a deal. It's a small deal.
I had a track coach in high school who used to say that every day of training was like laying a brick in a wall. At the end of the season, you have a strong brick wall. If you missed half of your training days, well, you get the point.
One missed brick isn't going to mean your wall is weak.
It's not insignificant, but it's not the end of the wall either.
So, keep an eye on your "hit" rate.
Brushing off small mistakes and misses will help you get focused faster and back to high-performance.
Happy Saturday.