Are You Missing Out On The Unsexy Part of Your Work
Are You Missing Out On The Unsexy Part of Your Work
By chris danilo on Nov 01, 2018 05:00 am
We can probably agree that the sexy part of being a leader or a business owner or a doctor or an artist or a musician is not typically the whole job.
There are early mornings, bad customers, emergency surgeries, writer’s blocks, budget cuts, and furloughs.
There are many unsexy parts of work that matters but most of the time, those things are what we need to focus on.
Hard work. Discipline. Self-reflection. Action.
In the end, you have to choose the work or the way the work looks.
You can’t optimize for vanity AND for output.
What are the hard things?
What are the things you don’t want to do?
Now you’ve found what’s important.
2 Minute Action
This is known as “eating the frog.”
Decide on the thing you want to do the least today.
Do that first.
Building a habit of conquering these unsexy things accumulates confidence and discipline.
In fact, it’s the only way to get them.
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