Action and Caring
Action and Caring
By chris danilo on Oct 23, 2018 05:00 am
I’m up at night thinking about it.
I’m working all day thinking about it.
I can’t stop myself from talking to others about it.
It’s the one factor that matters more than anything else.
It matters more than hard work, aptitude, attitude, or background.
It’s how much you care.
It’s my life’s work to help people care more.
If people like you just care about other people and the way you spend your time, everything else has the potential to fall into place.
Caring means treating others with respect even when they disrespect you.
Caring means creating or discovering a mission and working toward achieving it.
Caring means doing the right thing even when others around you disagree or reject you.
2 Minute Action
Take your pick. Any of these 2 minute actions will get you started on exhibiting the #1 sign of a person who cares . . . Action.
– Do a quick time audit of your day and cut out something non-essential. This is harder than it sounds.
– Call/Email/Text someone you haven’t gotten along with recently. Reach out with empathy and gratitude. Refrain from expressing your side and just listen to understand.
– Write down some of your goals and ask how these will help others. If they don’t inherently help people, how can you make it so that you both get what you want?
This Pattern Behavior Will Make Or Break You
By chris danilo on Oct 23, 2018 05:00 am
You wake up.
You check your phone.
You eat breakfast.
You check Instagram.
You get to work.
You check email.
See the pattern?
If you’re reacting to notifications, you’re letting other people use up your day.
Set your boundaries and set your schedule or others will do it for you.
Someone is in control.
It’s either you or someone else.
Either you knee-jerk react to every little red bubble on your phone or you choose how and when to respond.
Your choice.
2 Minute Action:
Go through your phone notifications and turn off social media and email notifications.
If it’s important, you’ll get a call or text.
Get control of your attention and you can focus it on building what you’ve always dreamed.
It’s your life.
Don’t let someone else live it for you.
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