Here’s How To Do It When It Feels Impossible
Here’s How To Do It When It Feels Impossible
By chris danilo on Aug 25, 2018 05:00 am
You’ve heard me preach the 2 minute action for a while, but I sense that many people really believe that you can’t do anything in 2 minutes.
Well here’s the honest truth:
You can’t do what you want in 2 minutes.
And you know what else?
Do it anyway.
You’re never going to have enough time, money, people, whatever, insert excuse here.
This is the point that made Nike’s brand so powerful.
It will never be the perfect time.
You will never feel completely rested.
Opportunity will never look like the idea of opportunity you have in your mind.
Pause the narrative for a second.
Just start.
Just go.
Just do it!
It’s not about having the right conditions to start, it’s about starting now, even when you can’t see the finish line.
Of course you can’t do it in 2 minutes.
Do it anyway.
2 Minute Action:
Most big actions are actually made up of lots of little actions.
If you had a gun to your head and you HAD to start on your idea/project/dream, how would you spend your 2 minutes?
Your call, today.
Just like always.
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