How To Get To Your Dream
How To Get To Your Dream
By chris danilo on Jul 06, 2018 05:00 am
Step 1 – Define the dream.
Examples of good definitions:
Save 500 lives by donating blood.
Fully fund a non-profit in my area for the year.
Reach $x in revenue by 2025.
Examples of bad definitions:
Change education.
Start a non-profit.
Disrupt the industry.
Hint: If you can’t “check the box,” then it’s bad definition. You can’t check the box on “learning Spanish,” because you can always improve. You CAN check the box that reads “have a 30-minute conversation in Spanish with a native speaker.”
Step 2 – Validate the dream’s feasibility.
Example of good sources of validation:
Experts in the field.
Example of bad sources of validation:
Friends and family.
Step 3 – Start.
Examples of bad starts:
Designing a logo.
Filing for an LLC.
Building software.
Examples of good starts:
Making a sales call.
Emailing your list with an offer.
Any work you are currently avoiding.
Other tips:
You have to start before you can see the ending.
Gather the tools you need as you need them, or you might get caught up by how fun it is to buy all the gear instead of spending your energy on your mission.
Be clear about WHY you have this dream, and whose dream it actually is.
2 Minute Action:
What’s a goal you’ve had? When would you be able to check the box?
Have you talked to any experts about how possible it is?
Take a look at who you know in the industry (LinkedIn is great for this), and reach out to them, right now.
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