The Secret Weapon Of Long Term Productivity
The Secret Weapon Of Long Term Productivity
By chris danilo on Jun 26, 2018 05:00 am
You know the wall?
The one you hit when you can’t take another step.
The one you hit when you can’t talk, write, or work any longer.
The one you hit when you just can’t go on.
The interesting thing about the wall is that once you’ve gone through it a few times, you realize that you’re not made of glass.
You get to the other side and you realize that there’s more gas in the tank.
This is called “the second wind,” and it’s the little secret that we forget about all the time.
It’s hard in the moment because it feels like you’ll never make it–like you have no idea when this pain will end.
But if you stick it out long enough, you get your second wind and you keep going.
What’s even weirder is that there are third, fourth, and even fifth winds.
It’s in this moment that we just can’t go on that we’re tested.
It’s here that we all quit.
No one quits a marathon at mile 2. They all quit at mile 22.
But if we had just pushed a little bit more, we’d have gotten all the benefits of finishing. Instead, we choose to quit at the most inopportune time possible, right when it was about to pay off.
Next time you can’t see the ending, try reminding yourself of the second wind. You may be surprised what happens when it shows up.
If you charge the wall and get your second wind enough times, you just might start trusting yourself to take on bigger and longer-term goals.
It’s up to you to start. It’s up to you to finish.
It’s up to you to build the trust with yourself to get through the wall.
The second wind is a secret weapon that is completely under your control. It just costs a little pain to access it.
2 Minute Action
When was the last time you quit something?
Was it 10 mins in? 3 days? 7 years?
What would you have done if you didn’t have a choice–if you just had to keep going–if your life depended on it?
Would you have made it? Would you have died? What would be the consequences?
Write them down in a list and evaluate the severity.
Is the outcome worth these consequences?
Choose today. Start today.
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